Guidance from an AWARD WINNING Investment Manager 9 years in a row.

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How to become a system survivor

36 years ago Cathy Jackson – Gent was a black single mother equipped with nothing but her will, her street smarts and a passion for helping people make money. Today she is an AWARD WINNING Financial Advisor 8 years in a row and has managed money for politicians, CEOs, celebrities and multi millionaires. You don’t survive more that 3 decades in the finance industry on luck alone. This book teaches you how to survive a rigged system and achieve financial freedom as starting from $0, no job and a mountain of debt.


Many African-Americans get anxious talking about money and are unable to deal with it all. 

Lack of transitional wealth, growing wealth gaps, and financial literacy are leading causes of low net worth. Take Action! In this book you’ll get planning tips and tools needed to be financially successful.

Bought it for my teenage going off to college. It was just what he needed to understand what to look out for and how to set goals daily in a tough environment in which we live!

D. Drummer

Single Mother System Survivor

We always struggled financially. Our credit was bad. We couldn’t save or invest any money. We couldn’t afford vacation. We felt trapped until we got this book. Now we have a plan and its working!

The Halintons

Black Family System Survivors

Years of Experience
Clients Served
Classes and Seminars



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'Black Woman' in finance 36 years ago was unorthodox. That's why they call me a trailblazer and a hero. I call myself a mother. - CJG

Cathy Jackson-Gent provides instruction about how to avoid such financial mishaps. She represents a kind of public intellectual, a field that is top heavy with those aim is to change the attitudes of millions about race. Such public intellectuals, religious and secular, perform a service. Navigation through a corrupt system must be meticulous, strategic and charted by a trailblazer. Cathy is that trailblazer. 

  • Foreward by Ishmael Reed
Cathy Jackson-Gent

Book Author, Fiduciary, A.I.F.A.

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